Emma knows challenges because she lives those challenges every day. She has realised the process of overcoming overwhelming obstacles to live a fulfilling, meaningful life.
Keynotes, workshops, and client-tailored presentations challenge and inspire community groups, managers, student groups, and working professionals to achieve ultimate performances in their business and personal life.
Emma offers a consultancy to offer expert advice from lived experience. She also has experience in 1:1 client-tailored mentoring.
Services can be delivered face-to-face or virtually.
Emma has acquired expertise and presents on a broad array of topics exploring resilience and person-centred care. These include Lived Experience, Communication, Collaboration and Diversity. She is passionate about shaping her presentations to meet your organisation’s specific needs.
Are you looking for someone to open a conference, or to visit your workplace for training and professional development seminars who can deliver a unique perspective tailored to you? Consider some of these topics:
- Transforming Practice through Lived Experience
- Reinventing Resilience
- Injecting Diversity & Inclusivity into the Workplace
- Mindset: Power of Positivity
- Therapeutic Alliance
- Putting Yourself in Another’s Shoes
- Dealing with Adversity
- Therapeutic Alliance
- A Person’s Lived Experience of Person-Centred Care
“Emma’s presentations are always changing. Every time we hear her speak, we get something different from it.”
Emma’s person-centred approach to healthcare and human care is at the core of her philosophy, developed through professional practice alongside her own struggles and triumphs to maintain resilience. Beyond embodying inspiration, she has a special ability to captivate and challenge audiences across healthcare, business, community organizing, and education by prioritizing true collaboration that elicits real connection.
Emma: “Tapping into the value of the person as well as the meaning of the task or goal, ensuring the way we elicit information involves the person and gives them that agency and choice – these are key features of person-centered practice. How can we ensure the person is empowered by our involvement? We must engage collaboratively where the teams work with and not for the person, that the person feels central and included. And we must ensure flexibility and adaptability – this is so important in delivering care that is about the person’s needs!”
Past Keynotes:
- WA Country Health Service (Broome Allied Health) “Rejuvenate, Reconnect, Resilience and Recovery”
- Camberwell Girls Grammar School Year “10, 11 & 12: Resilience: Diversity, Well-being and Inclusion”
- Monash University Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy students: “Person-Centred Care“
- Nestle Health Science Conference: “Reinventing Resilience“
- National Allied Health Assistants: Professional Development Keynote
- Patient Experience Symposium
Why not consider engaging Emma to work with your students, new graduates or team members? Not only are you providing them with professional development and ongoing support, but you are also enhancing their critical thinking and clinical skills by fostering reflective practice. What’s more, you are ensuring that one’s lived experience is included in their care and delivery.
Emma readily runs tutorials where she encourages the group to discuss their clinical rationale behind their approaches, and brainstorms with them alternate person-centred strategies.
“We had you offering weekly mentoring for students, which students said was really helpful. For example, one student said from listening to your perspective they now know more about the client’s perspective. Another said you were so understanding and were such a great asset to their supervision as you really explained your perception of things, which made the process easier to understand from a lived experience … incredible.”
Past mentoring experience:
- Monash University: Placement Mentor Series for Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy 4th Year Students
- Monash University Occupational Therapy Tutorials Communication for Healthcare practice
- Latrobe University Occupational Therapy – Intentional Interviewing Skills Tutorials
- Swinburne University: Master of Occupational Therapy Students: Person-centred Care & Empathy
- Charles Sturt University Physiotherapy Lecture, Port Macquarie
“The students found real benefit in your input in this area, given your dual expertise of clinical and lived experience. For example, one said it was good they could ask you a clinical question, and you could answer it with your clinical knowledge but then also from the perspective of you receiving the services, how you were approached, and how would that make you feel.”
Do you need someone outside your organisation to workshop specific issues/areas within your workplace? Emma runs inspiring, motivating interactive workshops that are a great opportunity for you, your team members, students and your clients to reflect and apply Emma’s key messages to your/their personal and professional lives.
Emma: “Ensuring the person is valued and respected is vital too. If this rapport is not established and maintained there is limited time spent on building and nurturing this relationship. The relationship risks remaining merely transactional, or even adversarial. I strongly believe the relationship and the outcomes achieved will suffer. If a person does not feel heard or valued, they are not likely to want to disclose information, or expend energy disclosing details, or be receptive to the student or clinician’s input.”
Past workshops:
- Monash Health Orientation Seminars: Allied Health New Graduates
- St Vincent’s Hospital Allied Health Inservice: Person-centred care: are they your goals or your clients goals? Are they meaningful?
- South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD) Occupational Therapy: Team Building, Holistic Care, Developing Rapport
- The University of Newcastle: Empowerment, Counselling, Attending Skills through Strong Communication
- NDIS Innovative Workforce Fund Project
- Stroke Foundation: Young Stroke Project Workshops– Information Provision in Service Delivery
“Really putting yourself in someone else’s shoes” is the conceptual starting point to Emma’s consulting practice. Her proficiency and first-hand knowledge as a result of her lived experience means she can share unmatched lived experience, user testing, and empathy mapping because she can simultaneously see it from the support person’s perspective as well as her own lived viewpoint. Emma can employ her expertise to problem-solve particularly complicated scenarios and cases.
Are your new projects, programs and resources co-designed? Do they include the input of someone with lived experience? Emma believes there is always room for improvement. She works closely with organisations to improve their resilience and person-centred care. Emma also consults on specific project work and fundraisers.
The movement to telehealth as a permanent change is another way she is on the cutting edge of putting into practice effective person-centred care. Emma is uniquely qualified to prioritise the inclusion of lived experience.
Emma: “How you transition to telehealth is so important, for both the person and the supporters – acknowledging the challenges, giving time to address them so the supporters are more present for the person, as well as encouraging them to discover the positive aspects of this form of interaction, and what they can do to facilitate person-centred care. Brainstorming, anticipating and pre-empting obstacles to be able to engage in meaningful interactions is essential.”
“Adapting to telehealth supervision sessions with Emma Gee every week helped to guide us, and how to fix up technical things.”
Past consulting work:
- NOVELL Redesign Project: Redesign of Rehabilitation Facilities
- WorkSafe Project Consultancy – Social changes & Models of Healthcare
- Jetstar Consultancy- Accessible Travel
- University of Melbourne Workshop: Designing a telehealth physical stroke rehabilitation program
- Swinburne University Co-Design Workshop, Improving custom walker design and manufacture techniques,
- Neurosciences Research Stakeholder Advisory Meeting
Emma: “Whether it’s face to face or virtual, I love working with groups and sharing my insights to enhance their practices. I do package mentoring for organisations for their staff and also individual sessions – especially university students, new grads who really benefit from time out and a safe place to reflect on practices. It is invaluable to stop and brainstorm strategies to optimise their services and care, clarify why they are doing something, and how they can do it better and incorporate the lived experience in their practice. It’s not often that we have the opportunity to take the time to improve our critical thinking, generate great learnings, and gain more understanding about what we’re doing and why – really consolidate our care…. I love that I can facilitate this!”
“We can all improve our relationships and rapport by adopting a united, collaborative approach.”
What would it be to choose to overcome all that happens to you? People can get so weighed down by their own perceived limitations, smothering their own opportunities and possibilities. Emma will inspire you into action, causing a ripple effect throughout your own networks. Emma’s keynote presentations, workshops, mentoring, and counselling give perspective, introduce you to the power of choosing, and encourage you to start owning anything life throws at you so you can gain the tools to truly bounce back and help others do the same. Emma’s goal-setting techniques and demonstrated ability to overcome challenges stand as a refreshing reminder to all audiences that anything IS possible.
Choose Emma, and choose to step up in your own life.
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