“Too tired”, “Not enough time”, “Not enough money”, “Lots of work” – the list of excuses is endless. Even longer when you acquire a physical condition and suddenly you don’t have to justify why you can’t make it.
For me, my snail walking speed is a good excuse when I’m late, my walking frame justifies my decision to take the elevator and my poor vision is a definite reason for why I misread the parking sign or didn’t read the question correctly.
To be honest since surviving my stroke, getting out of things is pretty easy. However, the more I avoid, the more I cancel, the less I feel challenged and the more isolated I become. It’s also probably true that those around you begin to stop asking you out, assuming your not keen and your integrity to complete the tasks you’ve previously committed too is saw dust.
There are definite times where us humans have valid excuses. But they can become infectious and cause an unconscious ripple affect of reasons why we can’t do something. The focus is what we can’t do, not looking at all that we are capable of.
There are two types of people in this world.
1. There are those in your life that you ask to do something but deep down you know they’ll pike. They have an excuse for everything. How does that opinion of them impact your relationship?
2. Then there are those in our lives who get things done, maintain their integrity. If they have an excuse, it’s rare and legitimate.
Who do you want to be? Disability or not, an excuse is not only going to impact anothers’ view of you but also your hinders you own ability.