Are your recommendations on someone’s health taking in the whole picture or just a narrow snapshot?

In my recent medical experiences, I’ve encountered advice that often fails to consider the broader context of my life. It would be so beneficial if the recommendations took into account the intricacies of my wellbeing.

For the past five months, I’ve grappled with my ongoing eye issue. This monotonous regime has significantly impacted both my personal and professional life, heightening my reliance on external support. 

Moreover, I’ve been attending orthodontic appointments to address issues with my teeth. Those familiar with my history know I wore braces as a child. However, following my stroke 17 years ago, the facial palsy on my right side has led to a lack of nerve supply, atrophying my facial muscles and causing my teeth to shift once more.

Seeking a solution, I opted for Invisalign treatment, requiring me to wear aligners for 20 hours a day. This regimen restricts spontaneous snacking and enjoying hot beverages, as I must remove the aligners each time. What’s more, my already slurred speech only becomes more muffled when wearing them. After 2.5 years, I feel my teeth are nearing my desired alignment.

Yet, considering the bigger picture, must I pursue perfection? While straight teeth are pivotal for chewing and smiling, I know that I won’t be a supermodel any day soon. Personally, I question the necessity, given my other health challenges.

I’m contemplating stopping the treatment and opting solely for a retainer at night. This decision is a relief amidst life’s ongoing demands at the moment—a chance to lessen daily stressors.

However, I wonder whether my orthodontist will support this choice? Or will she insist on seeing the treatment through to its conclusion, despite my reservations?

As medical professionals, it’s imperative that we recognise the ripple effects of our recommendations on patients’ lives. Our guidance should seamlessly integrate into existing routines, rather than upending them entirely. After all, advice disconnected from reality risks non-compliance, defeating our purpose of providing meaningful assistance.

Have you ever encountered advice that fell short of your expectations? Reflect on why this might occur and consider how a more holistic approach could yield better results in the future.