For my facial palsy, every three months I get facial botox. It not only helps with my communication with others but also means that swallowing and chewing requires so much less effort.

The last few months, it has been wearing off and it’s still another few weeks before I’m able to get more. My connection and communication with others has suffered because of this.

I find it difficult to articulate words and offer facial expressions when I speak with others. It’s evident that they also grapple with understanding my gibberish and looks.

I confess that for months, I just put up with this extra effort but continuously felt misunderstood and needing to repeat myself is becoming quite taxing and frustrating.

When I went to my botox appointment last week, the doctor told me that it’s best to wait another month before I get it again so it’s out of my system. This is due to the risk of it not being as strong and not having the desired effect. it basically means that the discomfort I feel will be prolonged,.

After already waiting for months, it feels overwhelming to think of more time withstanding this discomfort. However, I know that feeling so glum about this is only going to make this ‘waiting’ period harder for me and others.

I take a big sigh and force myself to think about the things in my control. What other means of communication could I improve?  

I could hear better!?!

Although my hearing was impacted by my stroke, being prescribed a  hearing aid has significantly helped my ability to communicate. I confess to often forgetting to put it on but know that I need to start wearing it again. As my other forms of communication being really challenged, wearing it all the time will make a huge difference. My ability to listen and paraphrase is significantly improved! Plus, I feel so much less frustrated when I miss some information or need to ask another to repeat themselves. I think others perhaps interacting with me also find it less taxing – they feel heard!

I can hear and I can listen better!

So, I’ve made the choice that instead of becoming engulfed with things outside of my control, I’m focusing on what I can control. I’m making sure I continuously wear these. It’s only a small thing, but it changes my mood a lot when I can focus on things in my control and making sure I feel empowered to be my best self.

Is there a way that you feel more in control or empowered?  Perhaps if another is facing a certain challenge, encouraging them to adopt a new strategy or tool may help?