Facing your Fears…

The fear associated with any trauma means that we tend to avoid having to ever face it again. However, by doing this we are in fact only becoming more anxious & fearful. Resisting facing our fears is so tempting, but exposing ourselves to similar feared...

Bandaiding your Emotions…

On my third lap today, walking unaided on the bitumen road, I finally get into a better rhythm. I feel my speed and my confidence soar! In fact, I am only 5 metres from the finish line and am on my way to achieving a pretty good time. Sustaining my rehabilitation is...

Toxic Positivity…

It’s all good to be positive and grateful but this mentality actually can be unintentionally detrimental to moving forward. In this mindset, we are at risk of becoming more resentful and not only impact our wellbeing but our negativity often spreads, infecting all our...

 “What will things look like for you?” 

If you’re a Melbournian like me, returning to a ‘lockdown’ state again is far from ideal. There seems to be mixed emotions of anger, frustration, fear, anxiety combined with a sense of relief and hope. Schools, businesses & therapy closing down only seems to fuel...

Adapting to challenging times!

Adapting to COVID19 has certainly been so difficult for everyone! I naively thought that my 15 years of adaptation to my new stroke realm  had prepared me for this! However, the last few months have only reinforced the importance of both the physical & emotional...