Reframing Restrictions

Lockdown. Isolation. Restrictions. These restrictive terms seem to only trap us and encapsulate our bubbles with a screen of negativity. It’s hard to see beyond this state. Right? Many of us feel “fed up”, resentful and understandably, “just over...


Teddy bears, rainbows and spoons are all symbols of hope and connection which have been used universally during covid19 lockdown. In this phase of isolation, “Spoonville” cutlery villages are scattered around neighbourhoods to encourage kids and adults alike. I...

Masking Positives

Wearing a mask is hardly riveting. In fact, it seems more of a huge inconvenience! “It’s harder to breathe” “It fogs up my glasses” “I have no idea what the other person is saying” I definitely can relate to ALL of these statements. I’d add that the effort to remember...

Impromptu Covid19 Roles and Mindsets

Adjusting to our new roles that have come about within the new covid19 realm is quite tricky, confronting and so overwhelming, right? Whether we were previously the main breadwinner and spent our days at work or were a stay at homeparent, we have all been forced to...

Masking your happiness

“Smile Em,” my sister instructs from behind her camera. I’m sitting fully masked (posing as directed) with my nieces &nephew standing at the required covid distance. I roll my eyes sarcastically and muffle, “Seriously Bec, smiling with a facial palsy’s hard...