Anything's possible

What’s possible in your life? I always thought I’d be married, have children and a full-time job at this age. But when I stroked at 24yrs, that plan suddenly changed. I was single, kid-less and unemployed -terrified about whom I’d become. I felt...

Choose to love life

“Are you better now?” my cleaner asks me. To be honest, I don’t really know how to answer that. I feel fine, but I guess I’m still a disabled person. People seem to think that because of my disability I really am not feeling ok. So I reply;...

Partnerships – Are they good or bad?

I don’t know about you, but when I think of the word ‘partnership’ I see it as a positive relationship with another that facilitates, guides and supports. However, when I  look more closely about each partnership in my life, many have done the complete opposite – a...


“Too tired”, “Not enough time”, “Not enough money”, “Lots of work” – the list of excuses is endless. Even longer when you acquire a physical condition and suddenly you don’t have to justify why you can’t make it. For me, my snail walking speed is a good excuse...

You have to laugh:)

Waiting for a taxi’s bad enough. But when it’s raining and you’ve got other appointments, it’s even more frustrating. Today was worse. I waited patiently for 20 minutes and unlocked my frame and entered the rain as soon as I saw the yellow...