‘Motivation to Design’

I spoke at RMIT last week to a group of Engineers and Researchers. This is the testimonial I received – “Emma’s presentation allowed us to stand in her shoes, to see and experience the challenges she faces daily. Hers is a story of inspiration and...

'Motivation to Design'

I spoke at RMIT last week to a group of Engineers and Researchers. This is the testimonial I received – “Emma’s presentation allowed us to stand in her shoes, to see and experience the challenges she faces daily. Hers is a story of inspiration and...

What Stops you from Stepping?

I’d like an umbrella – trust me. Getting wet, cold and having my glasses spotted in water blobs is hardly my ideal situation. However, if it’s raining and I want to go outside, I have to hack it. “Would you like my umbrella?” Dry onlookers ask. “Thanks, but I can’t...

Emma’s Recent Steps

This week took me to Montrose to run a Training Session with Dutchcare Case Managers on ‘Client Empowerment’. I also presented at The Australian Association of Gerontology, the Victorian Stroke Clinical Network and the National Stroke Foundation Stroke...

Emma's Recent Steps

This week took me to Montrose to run a Training Session with Dutchcare Case Managers on ‘Client Empowerment’. I also presented at The Australian Association of Gerontology, the Victorian Stroke Clinical Network and the National Stroke Foundation Stroke...