Reinventing Emma
Book Update
Reinventing Emma is being recommended to so many networks, amazing! In fact, it has just been confirmed that it’s becoming ‘essential reading’ for a new Strengths-Based Subject for Nursing Students at the University of Tasmania;)
The feedback I’ve received from readers has been extremely positive. However, this recent email written by a childhood friend who was born with a disability really opened my eyes and made me feel that my message was reaching and impacting those in a way I never imagined –
Reading through the book it sounded more like a thriller than a real life experience, it must have been very difficult for you to deal with, I can’t imagine how you must have felt.
For someone like me who was born with a mild intellectual learning disability to someone who had acquired a severe disability through a stroke, it kind of makes me feel awkward and anxious about being taken for granted, as you were in the book. I don’t know how you did it, how do you keep yourself going?
You know something, on the inside I feel scared, lonely and not taken seriously, I feel used and taken for granted, all I feel like doing is shouting at people and tell them to stop, I want my voice to be heard, but apart from all that I don’t think that they will listen to me anyway, i’m sorry i’m just babbling and right off the subject here, I had to get this out of my system anyway but, if I hadn’t read your book I probably wouldn’t have done this.
Emma, I see you so much more differently now, you make me feel like a weakling compared to what you went through, I actually feel like crying right now, it’s almost like you know what my heart is saying and what it’s longing for, you feel like a soul sister to me, I don’t know how else to describe it.
Thank You so much for letting me read your book, it really has touched me in so many ways.
Read more reviews here
I hope that my book will continue to empower many people & all those in their lives. If you feel it would benefit someone you know, please recommend Reinventing Emma!