Tax. Spreadsheets. Accounting Software. These are my nightmares!
I only began a business to share my story. I am clueless about the financial aspect of it and so have always delegated.
I have had website designers, book keepers, virtual assistance, accountants and admin assistance to help me get my story out and help others.
I therefore assumed that my tax and all my associated finances were up to date. However, my accountant contacted me last week to tell me that she had not lodged my tax return for a number of years.
I feel so naive and stupid. All this time I’ve been delegating this task and assumed it was getting done. I never thought to check. Whilst they have been so loyal and accommodating to me over the years, I realise now that they have put me and my small business on the side; we haven’t been prioritised.
I feel forgotten and jibbed.
I feel bad to admit this, but I have lost so much respect for this person. They have always been so loyal, dedicated and communicative with me. But to hear that my tax return hasn’t been done for years is disappointing.
What do I do? There are so many things that I don’t even know to ask about. I appreciate them telling me and fixing it all at their cost but am deeply disappointed.
It concerns me that there are so many people, with a disability or not, that delegate jobs to only get jibbed.
There’s so many providers that I work with that I’m now following up, checking in to see if they too are on track or taking me for a ride! This situation has really knocked my confidence and trust as a small business owner and individual.
My concerns about paying fines and huge costs were quickly dismissed by my accountant. She assured me by saying that “I’m sure in your case Em, especially with your disability and recent diagnosis, we can dodge this!” Initially, I was relieved to hear this but now I’m even more angry. My disability is not an excuse for the delay in lodging my tax and attending to my finances. I knew from the beginning that I was unable to do this alone, so I delegated my financial needs to her. The delay is not due to my disability, but more due to her negligence and incompetence. I don’t mind people ‘working my disability’ if it’s my fault but it angers me to think that other providers may use this label as a way out of their own mess!
So, my experience with my trusty accountant has left a really bitter taste in my mouth and made me now doubt others I delegate to. It makes me feel stupid for not realising that this was happening and made me lose a lot of respect for this accountant.
How can you inform the people that you work with if you can’t deliver, or where ever you’re at, so that they can be aware?
Surely it doesn’t need to resort to using their disability as a ‘get out of jail free-card’?!