It being Christmas around the corner once again, I find that this time of year is great for some reflection on the year that has been. 

For me, all of my work is centred around going through something, then advocating and sharing my experience in hope that it helps and inspires others. However, I’ve found that this year has been largely focussing on my own recovery and needs. It’s definitely been a big year for me; I’ve moved house, had meningitis for the second time in my life, enrolled in a yoga course and also had my eye graft and aftermath to deal with.  But it’s in these challenges I’ve really learnt the importance of my supports, establishing new connections and weaving in meaningful tasks into my life.

Weaving in Meaning

The importance of weaving in meaningful things in to my day has been so vital to my physically and emotional well-being. In doing so, I feel more able to withstand that certain challenge. In my everyday, book-ending my day after a difficult appointment or challenging task with a meaningful and nurturing activity like yoga or walking my dog, really helps to ground me and enables me to shift my perspective.  It’s the ‘time-out’ that these activities provide that gives me space to better process and withstand what I’m going through. So often, we are so engulfed in a certain challenge that we forget to make time to process and derive lessons from it and prioritise self-nurturing things. Incorporating tasks that are meaningful to us mean that we are in a better mindset to encounter a certain obstacle.

Establishing Connections & Support

I have also really realised the HUGE importance of establishing a connection with my community and support network. Throughout this year, it’s focussing on building such supports that have made such a profound difference to my trajectory. When amid a challenge, it’s easy to become so engulfed with negativity and the feeling of isolation. Having those connections and supports around to remind you of the positives, just be there to listen or provide you with needed distraction, is invaluable. There are times this year where (due to my circumstances) it’s been harder to connect, but every time when that support structure is not in place my experience has been so much harder. That network is so grounding. 

Recharge and Reflect.

I find contemplating the New Year always quite overwhelming. Whilst I’m itching to take on another challenge, create new goals to continue to grow and learn, the prospect of facing all the associated challenges is so daunting. It’s actually so easy to skip the necessary reflecting and recharging and go into the New Year already exhausted. But in dodging this, we are overlooking the lessons that we learnt that may help us in navigating or potentially mitigating some future challenges. Further, aren’t we inadvertently setting ourselves up for burn-out and creating a negative mindset which we need to be in shape to handle any inevitable challenges that arise?

So, for now I’m taking a back seat and allowing things to just simply be. Choosing to focus my energy reflecting on 2024 and recharging for 2025.  I’m allowing myself to sit in the comfort and be supported by the amazing connections that I have established in my life and surroundings. It’s a good lesson in patience and acceptance for what things are at the moment. 

So I invite you to take note and reflect on your year that has been;

What are some challenges that you’ve overcome? What have you learnt from these obstacles? What feels comfortable that you are grateful for right now? What are some known challenges that will come in the new year? How can you draw on the lessons that you’ve derived from past challenges to make them easier to withstand? How can you build or strengthen existing connections in the New Year? How can you prioritise and weave in time to do meaningful things?

Wishing you all an amazing Christmas!