Flowing with Fatigue

Managing my fatigue is something that I’ve been trying to grapple with since acquiring my stroke 16 years ago. Initially in rehabilitation, the fatigue fog engulfed me from the beginning of the day. I write in my book reinventing emma – “…I...

Advocacy: Are we flexible and inclusive enough?

I just booked my first flight to present interstate face to face. Since the beginning of the pandemic, my input has been virtual. In fact, whilst I have missed the engagement that seems to take place when I am working face to face with people, I’ve loved the...

Connection through Stories.

The opportunity to relay my own story has been so therapeutic and empowering. However, I’d be dishonest if I said that there hasn’t been occasions in my recovery where disclosing my journey has only left me feeling so disconnected, isolated and alone. I...

“Nothing About Us, Without Us!”

This slogan, “Nothing About Us, Without Us!”, used in the disability movement is so aligned with the importance of adopting a co-design approach. Whereby all policies, resources and services involve the input of people with a disability from the beginning....