The Towel Challenge

Hi Everyone, I’d love your help in getting behind the #towelchallenge to raise awareness and funds to prevent, treat and beat stroke. This campaign began following the passing of Channel 10s Survivor – Lee Carselkdine’s Mum of a stroke in 2019. To...

Autumn – A Necessary Transition

It’s finally Autumn – a new season. It’s an annual process that marks the ‘normal’ transition from Summer to Winter. We know that in Autumn the weather gets cooler – old leaves begin to fall and trees must feel exposed! But, despite it...

Challenge to Change: Fear & Possibility

Are you feeling stuck? When asked about the stagnant spot we’re in,  we often say – “It feels like every day is Groundhog Day!” or “Nothing has changed for me or is very exciting!’ or even ‘I’m so bored”. These are common responses right? We really are just...

It’s ok to Rest!

Rest isn’t easy when there’s so much to do right? For me, although I’ve learnt this throughout my recovery, stopping & resting is so tough to practise! When one wobbly step zaps so much of my energy, the prospect of stopping until my body can run seems crazy. I...

2019 End Of Year News

Looking back at 2019 so far.. Wow – I cant believe its already nearly Christmas 2019! This year has certainly passed by quickly. It’s been filled with so many opportunities, personally and professionally. Once again, I am so grateful for the opportunities...