Summer 2016 Update

Summer 2016 News Merry Christmas Everyone:) This newsletter hopefully gives you a snapshot on all that has occurred in the last few months and what’s ahead in 2017. Enjoy! Inspirational Speaking Summary What a year! Although extremely challenging, it has been...

Achievements in 2016;)

Focussing on your achievements in 2016 is sometimes hard. It’s often easier to zone in on what went wrong, what we failed to accomplish or what didn’t eventuate as planned. But in this negative mindset we are overlooking our many successes. Subsequently, we are...

We Need To Think It To Be It!

  We often associate resilience as more of a physical trait, getting up or bouncing back right? But doing  that is reliant on us being emotionally resilient. We need to think it to be it! You may be able to get to the gym or do that report or washing but what...

Bouncing into SPRING!

  It’s that time of the year when we’re ‘meant’ to BOUNCE into Spring. I don’t know about you, but right now I don’t feel like bouncing! Any change causes ambivalence and the transition from Winter to Spring is definitely an unsettling change. Suddenly it’s the...

Spring 2016 Update

Spring 2016 News This year has certainly flown by and I’m beginning to reflect on the many book and speaking opportunities that I’ve had. This newsletter hopefully gives you a snapshot on some of my movements. Enjoy! Inspirational Speaking Summary I continue to be...