Giving Recommendations

Are your recommendations on someone’s health taking in the whole picture or just a narrow snapshot? In my recent medical experiences, I’ve encountered advice that often fails to consider the broader context of my life. It would be so beneficial if the...

Returning home from hospital

It wasn’t really a “Good” Friday when I was discharged from hospital with the realization that I couldn’t go home. I had to go to my parents’ environment and care.  After being in the hospital routine for a few weeks, it was a shock going back into my parents’...

Delegating My Support

Ever since my recent hospital admission, I have felt like a burden to those around me. Having to rely heavily on people a lot more than usual has definitely taken a toll on my mental health. In fact, the moment I entered the hospital, I felt the weight of my...

Embrace the Wobbles 

After spending a few weeks in hospital, I am definitely feeling much weaker and reliant on others which has made my confidence plummet.  I need to get back to things and create spaces for my healing. However, in doing so, I’m finding that I’m exposing myself to all my...

Blanketing Fear

During my time being a patient, some diagnostic procedures have been far from ideal. I write in my book about my horrific memory of having one of these to diagnose my arteriovenous malformation (AVM) called an angiogram – “…fifty minutes later they wheeled me,...