I run ongoing workshops at Nabenet to motivate their clients/ fellow jobseekers to ‘step up’. Returning to work is so tough. These workshops highlight some of the many challenges I’ve encountered in my own path in returning to the workforce that many can relate too. After we identify these we work together on how we can avoid or hurdle them! Here’s some of the comments I’ve received;
“I just thought I’d give you some feedback from some of the workers in the session in Mulgrave on 28th July. The feedback was extremely positive. I’m not sure if you were aware, but Julie and I ran a group session afterwards on general job-seeking tips. At the start of the session we went round to each of the participants and asked them about your session. Every person had something very positive to say, plus Julie and I noticed that everyone was very enthusiastic and motivated during the next session, which was great! It made our job a lot easier!
Several participants mentioned your props (shoes), and how this helped them to relate to the story (and their experiences) more easily. Several mentioned they appreciated that you related your story to their struggle to return to work.
Overall I don’t think I would change anything about the presentation. I know Julie has arranged some further sessions, and I think they’ll be just as effective”.
Cristy Allemand
Job Placement Consultant