“Morning Emma, How are you?” and then before I can respond says abruptly, “Just quickly calling to cancel your scheduled botox appointment this week” She blurts out.
“Really?” I exclaim…I’m dumbfounded
“Although botox is an ‘essential” service but it’s not possible now in this climate. So….our next available appointment, assuming things improve is um early September” The receptionist sheepishly says.
“Really?” I repeat myself.
“Yep, see you then. Take care Emma, have a good day” She says quickly and then promptly hangs up the phone.
I hear the monotonous dead ring tone and then end the call too.
I’m in disbelief.
I have been sacrificing many things since early March, surely I don’t need to do it all again!
I burst into tears knowing that this is one ‘therapy’ that hugely helps me. Not only with my speech & swallowing but also significantly reduces the effort to articulate & reduce my facial pain levels. What’s more, this definitely adversely impacts everyone around me – they struggle understanding me and misinterpret my facial expressions!
I ring my friend blubbering my news.
I then spend the remainder of the afternoon cancelling my other help and therapy. Although many of these are still taking place and are still ‘essential’, any contact is only putting me and the provider and all those that I care about, at risk.
Forgoing some therapy is a sacrifice I’m willing to make.
It does feel so unfair right now. Burst into tears, throw a tantrum or stay in bed – all completely valid!
But it’s vital to remember that we all have a choice in how we choose to respond to this.
We all are sacrificing different things right now. But those acts are going to save lives.
Consider how you can make what you’re sacrificing easier for you or another at this difficult time.