Emma Gee
Latest Blog
Meet Australia’s most impactful & unique rehabilitation health advocate, workshop leader, consultant, mentor, and keynote speaker.
Be inspired to live a life you love.
My “New” Gate
Consider whether what you feel is the best outcome is aligned with what the recipient of your service or care is envisaging.
Challenging Assumptions
When we assume something, which we all do a lot of the time, we’re adding an invisible barrier around their abilities.
Helping the lady that fell
I saw a woman over the fence who I thought was gardening, but had actually fallen over. I called...
Finding my Forever Home
Searching for my forever home meant giving up my sanctuary for the last 19 years and understanding that my new home had to come with new modifications.
OT Week 2024 – Celebrating 80 Years of Connection!
I’m belatedly acknowledging OT Week 2024 which was celebrated from Monday 21 – 27 October....
Therapeutic Alliance Feedback 2024
Read some feedback from Emma’s Keynote - “Emma brought a unique and invaluable perspective to our...
Team Reflections after Emma’s recent keynote on Therapeutic Alliance
I recently had the pleasure of presenting to Recovery Station team members on Therapeutic Alliance...
Pain Management: Self-care & acceptance!
I never fathomed that the nerve pain that invaded my body 19 years ago would still be a constant...
Assistive Technology is meant to Assist right?
On Saturday my newly installed automatic door malfunctioned. Suddenly, I had to revert to opening...
Q & A – Person-centred Approaches
I want to answer this with two things that I find the most important. The invisible impacts...
Becoming Demanding and Resentful
If you’ve been following my blog recently, you’ll know that my recent hospitalisation with...
Upcoming Women in Pain Workshops Announcement
I'm excited to share with you all that I'll be holding a few workshops addressing pain management...