Emma Gee
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Meet Australia’s most impactful & unique rehabilitation health advocate, workshop leader, consultant, mentor, and keynote speaker.
Be inspired to live a life you love.
“Never give up in life…”
I received this feedback today from one of my audience members. Despite often encouraging others...
"Never give up in life…"
I received this feedback today from one of my audience members. Despite often encouraging others...
Stroke ‘is not a life sentence’
Stroke 'is not a life sentence'
Anything’s possible
What's possible in your life? I always thought I'd be married, have children and a full-time job...
Anything's possible
What's possible in your life? I always thought I'd be married, have children and a full-time job...
Choose to love life
"Are you better now?" my cleaner asks me. To be honest, I don't really know how to answer that. I...
Partnerships – Are they good or bad?
I don’t know about you, but when I think of the word ‘partnership’ I see it as a positive...
"Too tired”, “Not enough time”, “Not enough money”, “Lots of work” – the list of excuses is...
You have to laugh:)
Waiting for a taxi's bad enough. But when it's raining and you've got other appointments, it's...
My fake Christmas tree.
Today I dismantled my fake Christmas tree. I don’t know about you but I find it so depressing....
Planning your Steps for 2011
A fresh start to the year is always a relief. Last year's chaos and the associated tiredness...